MedHealth’s Government Advisory & Support division manages vital, national support services on behalf of the Australian Government.

WorkFocus Australia, part of the MedHealth Group, has managed the JobAccess service since the service’s inception in 2006. JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information to assist people with disability, employers and service providers.

This award-winning program takes an innovative approach, combining a range of services designed to support people with disability get work, keep work and be more productive. It makes a positive impact by providing practical and expert advice on a range of disability employment matters and identifying and removing any barriers to employing people with disability.


JobAccess helps breaks down barriers to disability employment in an efficient and effective way


A national service delivered by a team of front-line professionals who provide free, confidential and expert advice


JobAccess advisers use a case management approach, seeing each query through to resolution with a customer-centric focus.


Specialised and tailored advice on good practice to remove workplace barriers, improve accessibility and encourage the employment of people with disability


JobAccess manages workplace adjustments to help improve accessibility and works with larger employers to build inclusive employment practices


Supports a wide range of stakeholders, including jobseekers with disability, employers and service providers, to help drive disability employment

Daniel Pistritto, Blamey Saunders hearsImproving accessibility through workplace modifications and adjustments

Daniel Pistritto is an Audiometrist and Assistive Listening Device Product Manager at Blamey Saunders hears. Daniel enjoys his job, but a progressive hearing impairment impacted his ability at work.

  • The biggest challenge was to understand what was happening in the office.
  • Participating in large meetings was difficult when conversations moved quickly from one person to another. As a result, Daniel was nervous to contribute to meetings, and the easiest thing was not to say anything.
  • He was unable to gauge clients’ hearing levels and provide recommendations when conducting speech perception test for his clients.

Through JobAccess and the Australian Government’s Employment Assistance Fund, an occupational therapist assessed Daniel’s situation and looked at his requirements. Shortly after, JobAccess approved assistive listening devices for Daniel along with funding for other additional devices recommended by the therapist.

With the help of simple adjustments, Daniel is now able to do his job with greater ease and confidence and, additionally, take on broader responsibilities.

Caption: Daniel Pistritto

Seeing Machines staff at their office CanberraEmpowering Australian businesses to employ people with disability

Seeing Machines is at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) technology that equips machines to decipher facial expressions. It uses its proprietary Guardian technology to help prevent accidents and improve safety through real-time driver monitoring and reporting of high-risk behaviours.

With an aim of encouraging disability employment, Seeing Machines introduced Project Embrace – an initiative to create targeted opportunities in Canberra for the local community of neuro-diverse candidates, including people on the autism spectrum.

Learning and Development Manager at Seeing Machines, Gillian Smith said, “Our goal was to provide people with disability a pathway into meaningful employment and identify skills to fit with the role of an analyst.”

The initiative saw Seeing Machines partner with the JobAccess Employer Engagement team (NDRC). The NDRC works with larger employers during 12-month partnerships with the intent to instil inclusive workplace practices and build employers’ disability confidence.

  • NDRC’s inputs helped Seeing Machines modify job advertisements to demonstrate their openness to employing people with disability,
  • NDRC delivered disability awareness trainings, making a significant impact on the workplace culture,
  • Seeing Machines adapted the interview process to ensure accessibility and improve the overall candidate experience.

Seeing Machines employed 18 apprentices with neuro-diverse conditions as well as six managers to support the team, with the view to identify other opportunities as the business grows.

Caption: Seeing Machines staff at their office in Canberra

Two women sitting at a table. One woman is writing in a notebookEnsuring continual service delivery improvement

Effective communication between a Disability Employment Services (DES) participant and their provider is critical to make progress against plans and ultimately achieve employment success. However, sometimes a DES participant or their employer may have questions or are not sure what to do next. This is where the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS) can help.

Denise* is one of the many Australians currently registered with a DES provider. After acquiring a physical disability, Denise was unable to return to her usual occupation as a Nurse. With a view to establishing a new career, she registered with a local DES provider, and is currently completing a Certificate III in Education Support while receiving the Newstart Allowance.

Denise was unsure as to what she was required to do as a jobseeker and wanted to gain some clarification. As a result, she contacted CRRS, which forms part of JobAccess, for assistance.

Denise stated she would like support in paying for her Working with Children and Police checks. Denise was also keen to learn more about the concept of Mutual Obligations Requirements.

CRRS contacted the DES and explained Denise’s questions. As a result, they were able to commence paying for her Working with Children and Police checks, remove the requirement for her to job search while studying and discuss Mutual Obligations with Denise.

*Names have been changed for privacy.

Caption: Two women sitting at a table. One woman is writing in a notebook

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