Daniel Pistritto is an Audiometrist and Assistive Listening Device Product Manager at Blamey Saunders hears. Daniel enjoys his job, but a progressive hearing impairment impacted his ability at work.
- The biggest challenge was to understand what was happening in the office.
- Participating in large meetings was difficult when conversations moved quickly from one person to another. As a result, Daniel was nervous to contribute to meetings, and the easiest thing was not to say anything.
- He was unable to gauge clients’ hearing levels and provide recommendations when conducting speech perception test for his clients.
Through JobAccess and the Australian Government’s Employment Assistance Fund, an occupational therapist assessed Daniel’s situation and looked at his requirements. Shortly after, JobAccess approved assistive listening devices for Daniel along with funding for other additional devices recommended by the therapist.
With the help of simple adjustments, Daniel is now able to do his job with greater ease and confidence and, additionally, take on broader responsibilities.
Daniel Pistritto